My wife and I don’t traditionally go on vacation that much. In the earlier years of our marriage, our “vacation time” was typically spent taking the family hither and yon to visit grandparents. (My wife’s family lived in the Western United States and my family lived in the Eastern.) From experience, I can tell you that such outings did not really count as a vacation.
Recently, though, we’ve made a more conscious effort to take real vacations. At the first of June of this year we were able to go on one such vacation, spending a week on the island of Kauai. (One of the islands in the state of Hawaii.)
We had been to Hawaii a couple of decades ago, to the islands of Oahu and Hawaii. That was a fantastic trip, and I thought it would be almost impossible to beat—until we went to Kauai.
This has to be the most gorgeous place I’ve ever visited; it is absolutely fantastic. I’ve included a few photos below to give you a hint as to what you can find on the island. The pictures are great, but they don’t do justice as to what you really see and experience.
Short story: we spent a week in paradise. If you ever get a chance to go to Kauai, go. You won’t regret it.

An overlook of the Wailua Heritage Trail. Views like this are not that uncommon in Kauai, which means you are usually gawking and gasping as you gaze.

Waimea Canyon, referred to by some as “the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.” The colors were much more vibrant and alive than what is shown in this image.

Along the Napali coast, which is only easily accessible by boat or helicopter. The 1,500 to 3,500 foot cliffs are stunning and present a natural barrier to driving around the island.
Hi Allen I think thats a very good idea. Your tips have really been helpful. What time frame are you looking at. Thanks for tips
Morning Allen Good idea. I dabbled with macros YEARS ago, but never got back into it. There are times when a macro would really help. Beautiful photos. Thanks for all the Word and Excel tips.
Hello Allen,
Psychology shows that some people respond better to visual stimulus rather than written texts.
It is sometimes easier to watch than read a manual.
Try watching a U-tube video on how to repair your vacuum cleaner.
Go for it you might reach a wider audience.